I think more often than not, being content is lumped in with being stagnant or a reason to be avoidant. For no reason in particular, I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I think it’s because I’m feeling super at peace in my life. But because I’m so at peace with where I’m at, it makes me think, “am I now being complacent?” I guess I’ve realized that just because I say I’m content, doesn’t mean I’m without wanting to better myself or my life. I think being content ultimately means that you’re just ok with or without getting…
I’m still trying to figure out why there’s such a stigma around going to therapy. I’ve been in therapy for almost three months now, and it’s definitely one of the best things I can do for myself. I think we all know that therapy has a negative stigma around it, but honestly, that’s the furthest thing from the truth. First off, I know how lucky I am to be able to realize that I have anxiety, and not letting it truly overcome my life. I started therapy because I didn’t want to ever get to a bad place, and I…
I used to be the girl who NEEDED advice from people. I thrived on listening to others. To be honest, I guess I still kind of am. I’ve come to the realization that I’m just not a decisive person. The only thing I can actually make decisions on are clothes, shoes, and bags. And even then, sometimes I can’t even figure out what my closet truly needs. In my career, I’m always looking to my team for approval, recommendations, etc. In my blog life, any positive comment or praise would lead me to explore a new opportunity or something to…
I’m a big big big list maker. But for some reason, sometimes I get too specific with my lists, and it’s hard for me to tackle whatever is on my list for that day. One day a few weeks ago, I decided to try a brain dump list. I just word vomited all of the random things I had to do — whether they were for the blog, for work, for appointments, for random errands — I just wrote them down. The weirdest thing happened — I felt like I had some mental clarity after doing that. The brain dump…
I’ve always been a fan of Botox – even though I’ve never done it. I think people should be able to whatever they want to their face/body…even if that may look different for everyone. Personally, I never thought I truly needed Botox, BUT I started looking into it after I read about the benefits if you have TMJ. It wasn’t until like 2 years ago that I realized I have major jaw issues. I had been seeing a new dentist, and he randomly asked me if my jaw hurt. I didn’t think anything of it until I actually started to…
Sometimes a headache hits you like a ton of bricks. Other times you feel it coming on for hours before it’s a full blown migraine. A few years ago, I would randomly suffer from migraines. It was over a few months, but I seemingly got them pretty often. They would knock me out of commission. Luckily, they’ve stopped (my last one was early Spring 2020 — knock on wood). But I still get those lingering tension headaches. WHICH ARE BEYOND ANNOYING. Here are 5 easy ways to beat a headache! 5 easy ways to beat a headache Blue light protection…
I know, I know. Yoga isn’t for everyone. So that means hot yoga might not be for everyone. But let me tell you why I love it. I started doing yoga in 2019 as a way to supplement my SoulCycle classes. Fast forward to now, I’m pretty much only doing yoga. Back in 2020 during peak Covid, I was doing yoga 5 times a week. I felt stronger than ever. I loved everything about yoga – I loved feeling in tune with both my body and my mind. It’s really been SO good for me for the mental and physical…
I bought my first yoga mat in college. Okay fine, my mom bought it for me. Through the years, I’ve tried a bunch of different mats. Honestly, if you’re a beginner, I wouldn’t be too concerned with spending all of your money. But don’t just pick up an any ol’ mat. Mats are obviously very important to yoga practices. Of course, you can really do yoga anywhere and on every surface, but there’s something oddly special about stepping onto a mat you love. amazon Price: $20-22 While I cannot speak to this personally, this mat has gotten some good reviews.…
New year, new lifestyle? I really didn’t want to say that because I very much dislike the “new year, new…” phrase. But hey, if a new year is what I need to give myself a kick in the ass, then so be it. This year, I’m really committing to live an overall healthier lifestyle. I wouldn’t consider myself unhealthy, but I definitely don’t implement many healthy practices. I’m actually fairly lucky to have my genetics in that case, but now that I’m in my 30s, I want to take it more seriously. I took some time to think about what…
It’s safe to say things are a little, well, weird. I gotta be honest, I was the first person to not take this seriously when things seemed to actually be getting serious. But then I noticed how empty the subways were during rush hour. Then my job sent us home to work from home for 2 weeks. Then my favorite stores decided to close for two weeks. Then it was declared a national emergency. Then the shelves of stores were raided. Yeah, it got serious. Up until Sunday, I really just went along with my normal day to day things:…