Fashion News

The Beauty Edit: May

A round up of this month’s favorite beauty, skincare, and wellness products!

Now that the weather is changing, taking care of your skin is more important than ever.


TMI, but I was unfortunately cursed with being prone to cold sores. My mom also does too and we both discovered that taking Lysine pills can help. For me, whenever I think a cold sore could come on (typically when I’m in the sun too long, eat really spicy foods, exfoliate my lips too hard, or an extreme change in the weather), I try and pop a few Lysine pills. Even if I already get a cold sore, it seems to help speed up the healing process. My mom suggested I just incorporate them into my daily routine and take at least 2 a day – so I’m going to test this out and see if that limits how many cold sores I get.

Murad City Skin SPF

I’ve talked about this before, but now with the warm weather approaching, I want to reiterate how important it is to wear SUNSCREEN!!! I know it’s like beating a dead horse, but yes, sunscreen is very important. Not only do

I love this product

because it’s super lightweight, but also because it shields your skin from key causes of environmental damage (UVA, UVB, pollution, blue light from devices, and infrared radiation). Aka it’s perfect for a New Yorker.

Glossier Balm Dot Com

I personally like super thick balms for my lips (they’re on the dry side), so when I discovered

this Glossier product

, I fell in LOVE. It also gives your lips a nice dewy look!

photos by allie provost